Hi ,
Last week I was allllll over the place. It didn't matter what was in my calendar, or on my task list, my mind just wouldn't settle on any one thing. Needless to say, productivity was brutally low, and not only that, but it was a really unsatisfying week in a lot of ways.
"What is important to me?" and "What has always
been important to me?"
Instead of continuing to spiral, I decided to journal. I brain dumped all sorts of words on a page, and then looked for themes. I wrote what each theme meant to me and how I express that value or desire in my life.
But then something really cool happened...I noticed another word that has never appeared in my values work before: Warmth
I realized that's like a filter on all of my values. My relationships. What I seek out in quiet moments.
So then I asked a different question. I asked "How do I infuse my life with warmth?" And boy that was fun! It's the people I talk to, how I approach a conversation, what I enjoy most about certain holidays, how I want people to experience my work, and how I've designed my home (and yes, physically being warm is key, too!). To honour this epiphany, I lit a candle on my desk today as a small gesture to infuse my day with a little extra
Another friend and colleague who infuses my life with warmth, and lives her life unapologetically in alignment with her values, is Susan Doerksen-Castro. Susan and I recorded a video together that started with a little discussion about ADHD, but quickly morphed into a lovely exploration of values and honouring our own approaches to our work and
lives. (The video is 24 minutes.)